Posted: November 23, 2010 in Uncategorized

So, I start a new job tomorrow. After … how many months now of unemployment? Hm. 3 months … 3 months going on 3 years, it seems.

I am nervous, a bit. Naturally. This field consists of pretty much the antithesis of the training I’ve mastered. However, the specific job I have palatable experience in.

I got fat. I started working out today. Did 40 mins of cardio … Billy Blanks’ revision of Tae-Bo brought me back to high school which I originally thought would be comforting … but I think it rendered the adverse effect. Disappointing. Also: losing the specific equipment required is annoying, to say the least. I’m working up to P90X. My athletic brother pretty much laughed in my face … Which, I don’t really blame him for. I mean, c’mon. There’s such thing as realism and P90X pushes the meniscus on that one where my water level falls fall below that point currently. I just want to get into a healthy lifestyle – For good. Not episodically.

I still want to learn guitar. Acoustic. And learn music theory and write poetry again and lyrics also this time around. Get to know my voice … did you know that your voice (singing at the very least) changes as your weight fluctuates? I don’t have citation for that but a professor of music told me and I have noticed it myself and, believe me, I know about fluctuating weight.

I would feel best about myself if I mastered veganism – but did it right this time around, so I don’t start looking like an overripe peach by Week 3. I mean, I did it in college for at least a semester, but ended up malnourished so that didn’t do much for my health other than slimming me down like no one’s business.

Give yourself permission to work at your own pace.

The above advice has presented itself in my life a couple of different ways recently … and I thought I’d share at the same time as I remind myself. I must remember my own idea that the change that is lasting is slow and thoughtful.

And with that … I’m going to prematurely end this good conversation and take it up soon, but for now: I need to get my sleep for tomorrow’s fresh start.

Goodnight, my beautiful and handsome friends.

money monster

Posted: August 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well … hello again.

So, I graduated. I walked the stage. I made a bit of a fool of myself, and I let myself go a bit …

Much, and at the same time not much, has happened since then.

Money is an issue and I’ve found that the pressures of money-engagements lead many good people into misery; they sell themselves in order to keep afloat.

I’m not saying money is a bad thing. I’m saying money is a hazardous thing and we should be careful with the agreements we make with it.

Personally, I have carelessly made too many financial engagements. I’m not going to blame it on anyone, or even my youth or my “biochemical challenges”; I’ll take full responsibility and attribute my foolishness with pride. I heard the warnings. I’m an intelligent person. I just have (still) not fully grasped the concept that

it takes many small drops to fill a jug.

As a result, I sold my soul again: to a corporation. Worse: to a call center. A call center for a phone company that I personally switched services away from a little over a year ago because the service was … well … truly terrible. I live in a city with a remarkable high unemployment rate, a city that was once a booming industry but has begun a steep economic spiral downwards due to outsourcing. But that in itself is a completely different subject. The point is:

That call center, for a company I pretty strongly have personal qualms with, is the easiest full-time job to currently attain in the decaying city in which I live.

We’ll leave it at: I no longer work there.

Sometimes I wonder whether that fact isn’t positive … but at the end of the day? I am glad.

I don’t think I can even count a handful of people that agree with me on this matter. Most people offer the judgment that they don’t know hardly anyone that enjoys their job and I need to suck it up and “do what I’ve gotta do.”

I am too talented and valuable and young to get on the rat-race treadmill just yet.

The pressures of monetary engagements are still upon me but I’ve come to the realization that I am fortunate to be a bit more creative with my money-earning: I can pull a couple of part-time jobs that I’m actually interested in and believe in at this juncture.

I will keep you updated on the outcome.

Love yourself and your life. It’s never too late to repo; it just may require some extra work and creativity. Believe it. You must.


Posted: May 10, 2010 in Uncategorized

It is almost 4:30a and I e-mailed my last undergrad paper to my professor about 75 minutes ago.

In 3.5 hours, I will take my last undergrad final exam.

And then … I am finished with undergrad.

Next Sunday I will cross the stage.

It’s surreal. I can’t sleep and now I have the time, so I thought I’d update this.

As always, I refuse to harbor regrets. Sure, there are things I may have done differently but … all in all, I think everything happens for a reason. All the hardships we go through – and even some that we put ourselves through – all serve to teach us a lesson … and that lesson will present itself over and over until it is learned.

Procrastination remained a major issue throughout my college career … even up until this term paper I just sent. The result is insaneoid measures in order to complete things. My procrastination largely stemmed from an intense fear that 1.) I would not be able to handle it; I’m not good enough, 2.) I would deplete my energy source by pouring too much energy into the paper and would therefor not have enough energy to finish the rest of the semester, and 3.) I would rather have been doing something … something physical, something different … such as focusing on a performance or a show. Recognizing the problem is the first step … and surely I will remember this when I choose to enter grad school.

Perhaps my greatest success was my undergrad thesis. I quit my job in order to dedicate all of my time to it and realized from this how glorious school is when there are no other responsibilities. I feel absolutely no pity for those children who are not forced to have jobs and complain about schoolwork. Knowing this, I will work and save in order to be able to work less when I do choose to go back to school. But for now … my brain is absolutely fried. I wrote my thesis in three days. I started research and thinking about it months ahead of time – and that is the key: Thinking about it early.  I definitely did not think about this term paper much until a couple of days ago … and producing those 12 pages was more difficult and draining than writing the 40 for my thesis. Also, the subject matter was far different but still: It would have been easier had I started thinking about it much earlier.

Had I to do it over, I would definitely be even more involved with the school (clubs/organizations) than I was. In my later college career, I became quite involved … but I would choose to be even more so. I suppose that’s not entire accurate – I was incredibly active in the theatre but that was my major and I didn’t really fit in with the students. This left me feeling desperately alone … and that feeling is terrible. I felt as though I didn’t have very many friends at all. I had a lot of respect … but it’s lonely at the top with no friends. And so I spent a lot of time drowning in my own misery. This past year, however, I became more involved with multiple clubs and met people outside of the department. It was the best decision I ever made. I met my best friends – none of which are in my major. This past year would not have been nearly as enjoyable or dare I say possible without their support. I know these friendships will last a lifetime.

There was a time – quite a long time – where I wanted nothing more than to transfer schools. This last semester has taught me that staying was the best thing for me. You see, I believe now that college is not so much about learning facts … you can look those up by yourself. Rather, the most important college is not learning WHAT to think, but HOW to think. I have definitely learned how to think, research, and synthesize my ideas – which I learned in the classroom – and even more invaluably, I learned how to organize (in the grassroots/leadership sense) and how to work with people. I thought my Theatre Arts degree was useless but it has proven more useful than I could have imagined – I have learned everything from speaking in front of an audience to painting large works of art to the way technology works to how to supervise and manage the most impossible types of people – and all of these things are applicable to everyday survival.

My college has also presented me with invaluable opportunities – everything from playing leads in an Ibsen play and an Albee play to meeting such important people as Chuck Klostermann to introducing Eric Alva and Andy Thayer to a large audience and organizing a benefit. I was able to express my ideas and see them successfully to fruition after enough work – and through my training and experience, I have had plenty of practice to perfect my skills.

As a wise professor once told me – Just as you graduate, you realize you are finally prepared to be a freshman. It is true. It has taken me these years to straighten myself out and gain perspective, which I am grateful for. I have made too many mistakes to count during these past years … but I could not have chosen a better, safer place to do so. And now that the rehearsal period is through and I’ve gotten quite a few mistakes out of the way: I head into the “real” world, hopefully making many less.

I hope you have the opportunity to experience college, whomever you are. ❤


Posted: April 14, 2010 in Uncategorized

As I undressed for the most glorious shower, I was introduced to gluttony. I slipped into another mindset–one of objectivity. It was then that I led myself out of denial. Out of illusion. I took a step back and paid attention.

I documented. I am documenting. Even at this very second.

Tomorrow I will review. Assess. Reconnect my mind, soul, and body. I will not live another day in blind disconnect.

And then I will eat breakfast.

In order to continue this self-awareness, this self-study, I will ask myself ‘why?’ after every decision … and even every decision to avoid deciding. Noticing when my decisions morph from response to reaction.

Tomorrow I will practice CONTROL / EMOTION … control over emotion. Am I in control of my emotions or are my emotions in control of me?

My brain is losing its Linus dirt-cloud … I enjoy it working easier and faster and building stamina. I enjoy the glow of a healthy soul as it grows brighter and brighter with awareness. I understand my body more tonight. I am the absolutely worst to it. I will also enjoy feeling the strength and lightness grow ever present.

I will care for myself in total … I will become my ideal self.

It began tonight.

i’m still alive

Posted: April 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

…In case you were wondering.

It’s almost time. Almost the end of my college career. By this Friday I have to have approximately 4 pages written: double-spaced, 1″ margins, Times New Roman, size 12 font. By next Friday I have to write a total of 42 pages minimum … with annotated bib, final outline, final everything for my thesis. By the Friday after that I have to have written another 24 pages written. Between now and the end of the semester, I will have written a total of 70 pages–a thesis and 4 other papers–in this time frame. That’s not counting all of the other papers I’ve written this semester.

I am calm. I have no worries at all. I can handle anything with the right mindset. I have superpowers. 🙂

Well, that’s what I’m up to. Also: president of the queer group on campus and this Saturday we’re hosting our huge community project. Radical speaker from Chicago, raffle baskets, refreshments, and screening of Milk on a HUGE screen in one of the nation’s largest collegiate theaters. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the donations/money from the raffle baskets go to a local women’s shelter-type organization that helps abused women escape. The day before, Friday, is the Day of Silence and we’re flying a gay pride flag at half mast + I’m writing a campus-wide e-mail explaining the day and our large display of our presence on campus. Senior skip day is either this Friday or the next Monday … I hope it’s not Friday. But Friday is better than no day at all.

I have so much to do but the full moon made me anything but a werewolf. In fact, some might say it turned me back to human. I have not been feeling motivated for the last week; it took a solid week for me to recover from that conference! Absolutely no productivity. That shit needed to stop, and moon or not–it has.

After my classes ended, I grabbed lunch and returned to my room. Ate at my semi-messy desk, looked around my semi-messy room and then looked to my definitely not finished paper. A simple one with all of the preparation work done … but I could not bring my semi-messy self to complete it. There’s another paper due Weds, as well. Simple-ish, but still: a paper. I felt the anxiety start to creep up from my stomach … and I started to clean. Then I stopped because there was the teeniest, tiniest sparkle of motivation to start the paper. I had all of my sources pulled up on my comp, Word open and ready to go … so I put down the dirty laundry and sat at the computer. I started reading the densest article which I’ve gotten through about five times and still have not retained knowledge. Frustrating. I started reading it out loud. S l o w . The words alluded me and my mind was wandering … The waves of the tasks started to wash up on the shore of my core, hinting at the feeling I know too well: Overwhelmed. I got the urge to pack up and catch the bus Elsewhere, convincing myself it’d be easier to start the paper there.

I was just running. Like I always do: fleeing as the shadows grow taller and threaten to engulf me. Running from the source instead of killing it dead, thus ridding the shadow. Satisfied in my terror.

Peace must come from within. All the running in the world has done me no good: I must put on my courage and slay the dragon.

So, with a deep breath, I started working. Slowly. I got the first page done and rewarded myself, perhaps too generously, with taking time to sing my theme song (Hand In My Pocket–Alanis) and Tweet some. Then I wrote the next paragraph and the next … and it was done.


Then I looked at the clock. I had about 20 minutes until the next bus passed my school and it takes some time to cross campus. I didn’t worry about it … I had accomplished something–anything! And, yah, I have another paper … but the buses pass by every half hour on the 7’s so if I missed it, I could just read for my next paper until the next one came. I decided to put my theme song into effect (minus hailing a taxi-cab, obviously) and let everything be “quite alright.” So, I took my time packing up, cleared out my binder a bit, gathered my laundry and started walking. Now, I didn’t dawdle, but my heart wasn’t racing and I wasn’t walking at that awful pace between walking and legit-running … that’s the worst.

I was wearing little slipper-type shoes…and the pathways were clear until I got ready to cross out of the parking lot. All of a sudden, before me lay deep-looking mud puddles and gravel and black, melted snow. It looked trecherous, but I crossed anyway…wishing I had a camera and someone else to take the picture of my orange, embroidered slip-ons in front of the black and white and grey and sludge I was about to cross to the white sidewalk with grass starting to show on either side. I would call the photo, “Senior Year.” Most definitely. I crossed it and it was good.

As I drew nearer to the stop, time started to concern me. I’ve been 15 feet from the stop before and watched the bus pass by. It’s kind of a horrid feeling. But I kept myself calm. Hey, Self, remember how you have the whole rest of the day to get there and this work you can do? And how it’s finally nice out? …but being just a few crucial moments late and within sight of the bus but out of sight from the bus driver sucks a little bit of pluck from your day. Oh well, I won’t worry

… because I’m going to chill the fuck out and not rush myself and put loads of undue pressure when there’s no reason to.

I made the bus … with about 10 minutes to spare. It was a little late … and I couldn’t have been more happy to not have stressed myself out.

Achieving personal goals is incredibly validating.

Learning to chill the fuck out is key. … also key: start small. Just: START.


Posted: February 25, 2010 in Uncategorized

Last night was just too much. We all have those days. I mean, I came right off of a weekend of heightened euphoria by sufficient mind-blowing, little sleep, higher energy, and so many laughs and connections. Back to reality. Back to thesis (yikes!). Back to Rockford, IL. Back to balance. And as much fun as the weekend was, there were horrific accounts of what still happens to us queers today.

To the underdogs: I hear your cries, I feel your pain, you’re beautiful in your strength, and I love you very much. I know you. I am you. I have been and we are. We. Are. And we Will Be.

But the downside of deep empathy and compassion is … the feeling part. So much oppression and repression and segregation — even within our own queer community, people. It’s saddenning. Then I come back to stories of extreme injustices befallen to those I know … and it dawns on me: I’m not Christian. Not in a guilt-way. I’m just … not. A little bit of a mind-fuck, but isn’t all mental evolution like a downpour?

I find one of my dearest friends, and we talk. We talk about spirituality … and it makes so much sense. What we said is between us until I figure out more things … but how comforting the truth is to hear. Individual spirituality. While we were talking, I started drawing and this came organically:

And so I accepted the fact that: I am not Christian. I was a closet Christian for a long time. I am no longer.

We were talking a lot about how self-hatred and self-judgment affect your energy, etc. Today, I embraced the fact that I’m chubby. I am. I am legitimately chubby. It is. And it is within my power to change that if I wish. I am no as healthy as I could/should be/wish I was. And so I can change that. I deserve better care. I’m smart enough to stop and think. I control my actions. My body and physical health are linked directly to my mental and spiritual health.

And it’s all linked to balance.

And today … I decided to accept myself for who I am. Physically, at least. No name-calling, no denial, no sucking in, no Spanx.

There’s no sense in judgment … of yourself, or others. It truly is what it is. There is no such thing as the good/evil dichotomy or binary. There is no such thing as good or evil. They’re social constructs that exist to try and make sense of the world and, some may argue, were developed as a control mechanism. Either way: when you think in binaries–even one this ingrained–you fall into a deathly trap of judgment.

It is not good. It is not evil. It just is. A product of the environment.

A handy tip in dealing with raging conservatives who cannot relate. They don’t understand. They are products of their environments. They are. I am. I will continue to be and grow and develop into who I am, discovering, enjoying, loving, attaining and enjoying health and balance.

Now, the tricky part: Instilling this as a natural understanding.



straight up FAIL

Posted: February 24, 2010 in getting started
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I’m gonna be totally straight up: I have failed miserably at life this week. The sun is setting on Wednesday night and I feel completely helpless to start any work STILL. I called into work sick today for the first time b/c of a migraine. It’s getting better but the only light I see now is the screen.

So … what the fuck? I need to go back and read previous posts, which I’m sure are all very “inspiring” and pristine. Well, folks, here I am in my entirety: much less than a saint. But really … I find honesty is always the best policy. This policy takes some serious guts … and I don’t always have the guts it takes … as anyone who knows me well knows … well. But I’m trying. But let’s get real: I’m not trying hard enough. Why live under the illusion? I know it’s all about balance … but balance is difficult for me. Very, very difficult. But you’ve genuinely got to try.

There is the System … and then there’s your System … (please learn there can and must be a differentiation for your optimum life) and you can cheat the System and come out ahead … but when you cheat Your System … you’re only cheating yourself.

Well, here’s the thing. You have to know what your personal System is. For me, my world just got rocked this weekend with the concept that you should do whatever it takes to make your life worthwhile … whatever that may me: immoral, illegal, atypical (courtesy Kate Bornstein, my new hiro).

Because all of these things are social constructs. You choose whether you submit to them.

Make up Your Law and follow it. Tonight, I make up my System. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. …just don’t be mean.


fuck. now what?

Posted: February 24, 2010 in mental health, queer
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Finally found where I belong: the queer community. It’s so good to finally fit in somewhere. My place in life is casting the faintest hint of a shadow in the distance … which is good, because I’m exhausted by this Ricocheting. Overspent a bit of my serotonin this past weekend and return to reality is harsh. Just want to buck the system now…

I discovered the name for my sexual identity this past weekend. I identify as a pansexual queer, not to be confused with bisexual. Please do follow the link for more details.

I’ve decided to also be more open about mental health here. It is part of me as well though once I was much more concerned/obsessed with the movement. I attended a workshop/lecture at this year’s MBLGTACC (Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgendered Allies College Conference … see ‘this past weekend’ link for more info) about mental health. As it turns out, it was presented by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Now, the presenters were two women who live with mental illness. That’s fine. And as this is a 3-day conference with 1-hour workshops/lectures, it must be elementary and I equate the experience of being a poor, starving college student rushing around a supermarket 10 minutes til closing and grabbing as many samples as possible; you only get a taste, and an elementary one at that. I’m not judging, just saying in the time allotted: it must be this way. So, the mental health presentation was the most basic–no new news for me. The presentation was broken by a video projected onto a large screen divided into such categories as “Dark Days” and “Coping Skills.” In between clips (testimonials), each of the two presenters gave their own accounts of the topic.

What really got me was that one, the more realistic one in my opinion, briefly mentioned the horrid hospital system (psychiatric) and how difficult it is to get out of. I’ve heard horror stories and was actually on my way to the hospital once but begged the driver to turn around. I was lucky enough to escape. So, I’m sitting here and there’s this woman, trembling at the mere mention of what it’s like to be in and out of the hospital and in the next breath she’s telling us we have to accept it. You have to accept it to get through it by which I took her to mean: you have to placate yourself in order to get out. And that matches all of the other stories I’ve read and the stories my dear friends have told me.

There wasn’t much time for questions but I got to ask mine. I asked her, in a nicer way, how she could have gone through the system and stand before us today, obviously negatively affected about the experience and moreover the repercussions, and tell us we have to submit to and accept such a system. She didn’t give me a real answer but did get upset. She sees this as the only option and told me we’re each going to fight our own battle. I guess she also said–basically–that if I want to do something to battle the system, more power to me but not everyone is strong enough to do so.

And I guess this is where I need to resume my activist battle. My old blog speaks directly to issues about mental illness. This blog is supposed to be solely about the repossession of my life from the System … and that System includes the mental health care sphere. There’s so much shame that I don’t want to identify with this fight, though. I feel so much personal shame (which is mentioned in one of my last posts) that … I don’t know. This community needs a voice and my voice is strong. I’m growing stronger … but it’s a delicate balance. A balance that I loathe and resent sometimes.

So … the question remains, I suppose: Now what?

to accomplish

Posted: February 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

Things I would like to accomplish (besides graduation):


  • learn to knit?
  • learn to blow glass from that awesome guy before he moves away
  • start up that music/art project (Top Secret for now)
  • learn some HTML/CSS and how to develop a web site to my standards
  • create my own website
  • become a real vegan (The vegan college cookbook I ordered came today!!)
  • start up an Etsy account to begin selling these creations of which I speak about mastering
  • earn my consumer freedom by paying off my credit cards
  • get a guitar/learn to play


  • finish my taxes before The Conference this weekend!
  • con’t perfecting my crocheting
  • fix up/sell my piano
  • …finish this paper by today.

More details to come. Life is exciting!