today’s repo: social networking

Posted: January 27, 2010 in Uncategorized

Yesterday I wasted the entire day on Twitter and Facebook. I am incredibly embarrassed to admit that. Yesterday’s freedom was precious and I squandered it when I should have dedicated those HOURS toward a certain 16-page Shakespearian paper that is long overdue so I can move on to my senior thesis…

So, today I shut off my iPhone. I’ve visited FB once and only to check the status of communication I’m having with a speaker I’m arranging for a huge project my Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) is organizing for April. Perhaps more on that later. I scrolled through Twitter once and I wish I could say it was so I could concentrate on The Advocate’s constant Tweetfeed on the Prop 8 Trial, but that is not the case; I looked for the inane details of my acquaintance’s lives in hopes there was a juicy gem, I suppose. But, my repo was highly successful. I went to class, manned our table at the clubs/organizations fair (which seemed like a bust but I ended up eliminating my other two errands: got free lunch and ran into the person I needed to turn forms into for tomorrow so I didn’t have to walk to the farthest point of campus), and time management was a huge success. I’ve very much enjoyed cleaning my room as a reward/break from studying and writing that paper. Maybe nothing tastes as good as skinny feels to Margaret Cho, but for me: few things taste as good as productivity feels alone…alongside feeling skinny, ideally. 😉

Well, that’s all for now–lest I have to repo my soul from WordPress, too. More updates to come.

Stay light, my handsome and beautiful friends! (…as Eric Alva calls his friends. I met and introduced him when he came to speak at my college; amazing, sweet man.) Until next time,


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